
design simplexly


I'm Micah, and @-Archon- is my account on Scratch. I'm a graphic designer and web developer. Scratch has always been my home, as I started programming there when I was twelve. @-Archon- is not my first account on Scratch, but it'll probably be my last.

Right now, I'm developing Itchy (previously known as SC4 Mobile), a Scratch mobile app. I'm also judge in UI Wars One, a design competition started by @Aquarial. As well, I'm the founder and editor-in-chief of @TheInformant, an online news source for Scratch. You can read Informant articles and submit stories here.

Currently, logo and branding requests are closed. Please don't ask me to make you a logo anywhere on Scratch, as I'm too busy to handle them. Thanks a lot!